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A-Class Managers – What makes them tick?

Great managers understand leadership , planning, and coordination skills all need to work in perfect harmony in order to move a team forward. “A-Class Managers” are just that – a step above average. They know how to make the impossible, possible – how to move teams through difficult situations and still have positive outcomes. So what makes them tick?

A-Class Managers…

Hire well and motivate! — Managers are only as good as their team. Hiring competent and skilled employees is just the start. A-Class Managers are mentors for their team – setting good examples for how the team should perform. They roll up their sleeves and get dirty – and know who is the right person for the job.

Be inclusive! — When developing company strategies, A-Class Managers make sure to include their team members in the process. Nobody likes to be left out, regardless of their title!

Celebrate the differences — A-Class Managers know that each employee’s personality is unique. They adjust patterns of interaction so that differences can become powerful assets in communication, cooperation, and productivity rather than challenges. Top managers will utilize assessments such as DISC to determine how their team can maximize working partnerships

Delegate, delegate, delegate — Great managers know when to delegate by assigning specific responsibilities for team members to carry out. This allows team members to make decisions. Sharing in the responsibilities not only strengthens the team’s efficiency but also helps to streamline your tasks. Effective delegation pushes authority down through the ranks. With added responsibilities employees may provide additional input about specific projects or goals.

Communicate — Good managers know how to listen and provide guidance, but “A-Class Managers” go a step beyond, not only encouraging their teams to speak up, but they value collective team input. Top managers do not feel threatened when someone in lower ranks comes up with the “best idea ever”!

Management is a learned skill; therefore, daily improvements can be made. At Sandler Training, we provide expert, comprehensive training to managers, executives and business owners.   Sandler Management Solutions brings the “how” and the real world together into the training room and emphasizes active skills training exercises and their real life applications.

Are you ready to be an A-Class Manager – or help your team rise in the ranks? Give me a call – let’s see what we can do!

Ed Schultek
Founder & Managing Principal
Sandler Training / Peak Sales Performance

Learn more about Ed at

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