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The last couple of months we have been examining the top 13 characteristics that the most successful companies adopt. (Read part 1 here and read part 2 here). We finish off this series with the last 5 characteristics of winning corporate cultures.

9. Establish common methodologies and systems

We're constantly trying to conquer how do I make something better. It's in each one of our DNA as far as being an entrepreneur or a leader, but what's not in our DNA is to capture what those best practices are. Why constantly re-invent the wheel. Create mini-playbooks for best practices-it takes less than a half an hour.

10. Effectively plan for organizational change initiatives

Organizational change, whether it takes the form of a change in the bonus plan, a change in the management team, or anything in between is one of those things that you may spend a lot of time preparing for and then not like the results you get once you share your decision with the rest of the team. Educate your people about what you’re doing and why you are doing it. Answer their questions and seek their input for a much smoother transition.

11. Know how to coach

One of the key things that we have to do as leaders is to coach our people. We want to coach them in order to become 100% proficient in their skills and the results and the experiences that they need to have to excel in that current job. Coaching is one of the four hats of leadership. And if we're going to spend between 30-40% in that hat, you've got to make sure that every coaching opportunity that you have hits the mark because the ripple effect is horrific.

12. Share the Vision with Those who Have to Implement It

By not sharing the vision that those people who have to do the work, they tend to forget. They get demotivated. They don't know why they're doing certain things. They're not giving you 100% of their capabilities, their expertise, because they don't know where it fits. If you want the whole company to work on your vision, you have to share it. You have to reinforce it, and you have to make sure it goes from "you" to "we."

13. Eliminate Learned Helplessness

You don’t always have to rescue or solve your team member’s problems. Create guidelines so people know where to operate within their guardrails. They have permission to operate there within. If you can get your people to be self-sufficient and coming to you only with the big things, then everybody will be working for what's called “You, Inc.”, which means they're operating as if it was their company, they're self-sufficient, and the benefit to you will be awesome.

Each organization falls into one of four categories: Excellent, Well-Run, Average or At-Risk. Take this short online quiz to benchmark your organization for 2019 success. Added Bonus: Watch Ed’s Management Minute to learn what you need to do to get out ahead of your goals and objectives for the year. 

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