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PEAK Sales 203-379-8330 | Trumbull and Farmington, CT

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In the business community, we are always searching for slight edges. We always try to get more business–by earning it. We always want our clients to buy additional products and services from us, and we always want them to become advocates on our behalf over the long term. Those are all things we want. And there’s nothing wrong with being part of an organization that wants them.

There are eight possible sources of leverage that are present in every negotiating situation. We want to understand and maximize all eight sources.

The best negotiators always start negotiation by negotiating with themselves. One of the communication tools that will help you better understand yourself and how others communicate with you is called DISC.


Mike Montague interviews Mark Herschberg, author of Career Toolkit: Essential Skills for Success That No One Taught You, on How to Succeed at Creating a Toolkit. From tracking criminals and terrorists on the dark web to creating marketplaces and new authentication systems, Mark has spent his career launching and developing new ventures at startups and Fortune 500s and in academia.

“Please just send me a better proposal, and when you do, give me your bottom line. I don’t have time to go back and forth. Just get me your best number.”


In today’s current market conditions, leaders need to accept that the success of their teams and their companies will rely heavily on striking a collaborative, coordinated balance between creative strategic thinking and effective implementation.

Mike Montague interviews Clint Babcock on his new book and How to Succeed at Negotiating from the Inside Out.

Consider this BUYER/SELLER Scenario:
“Tim, that’s a really fine product you have,” responded Joanne.
“Well, I certainly appreciate hearing that,” responded Tim figuring that in the next moment or two, she was going to make up her mind about buying...

Hamish Knox, Sandler trainer from Calgary and two-time author, shows you how to succeed at overcoming common objections in the negotiation process with the attitudes, behaviors, and techniques needed to be more successful in sales. Get the best practices collected from around the world for overcoming these common negotiating tactics.

Listen Time: 21 Minutes

Can Asking Questions Really Be The Answer?

David Sandler, the founder of our business once said, “Imagine a millionaire, making your sales call. Would there be any delay in getting to the point of money? Not likely. So why not adopt the same habit for yourself?”

We feel that the most important step of the selling process is to uncover the customer’s budget. Sales reps are so uncomfortable talking about money that they will prolong their sales cycle, blow the sale by not addressing the money side early or waste their time. After all, if the customer doesn’t have the budget, why would you still be in the sales call?

"How and when you discuss money during your sales process has a greater impact on selling success than your price"